Sunday, November 27, 2016

Spirit guides what a joke!

Big part of the whole New Age, Angelic, Meditation, and Transcendental movement are the so-called spirit guides, the have been written so many books on this matter and they all somehow reflect a belief that we all have spirit guides that are essentially really advanced souls that are helping us through our current reincarnation, some people have even multiple guides in their spiritual entourage.

Whenever I participated in any psychic development workshop the instructor would always urge us to connect with our spirit guides and ask them to guide and protect us. Well like the rest I was hooked on the idea and embarked on a long journey to connect and establish a relationship with my spirit guide who turned out to be a Thai woman. I mean she seemed nice and kind to begin with and did guide and advice me through some interesting times in my life, but while that was happening I did not realise I slowly gave her a full control of all my life decisions.

When I realised what was going on and regained control of myself she became vicious! She started to do all sort of things against me and showed how nasty and jealous she really was of me this whole time. Yes that’s right spirit guides can become nasty because unlike what they want us to believe that they are advanced souls most of them have their own agendas and are not as evolved as they want us to believe. After the fiasco with this guide I stopped all contact with her and soon was assigned another one but I already smelled his willingness to control me from miles away, so want nothing to do with him and let him know that! Essentially spirit guides are just power hungry spirits that see you as a good source of power and try and manipulate you. Plus do not forget what I mentioned at my previous post. Spirits really are just trapped in the after life Matrix and try desperately to find their way out of it.

So I call BS on this whole spirit guide thing! Stay away from them.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

We live in the Matrix

I have watched the Matrix movie multiple times and my belief is that we are indeed plugged into the Matrix. I believe that the afterlife, so called heaven that people think they are going to, is a Matrix too so you don’t really get unplugged even if you die on Earth as after spending some minimal time in the “Heaven Matrix” you switch back to the “Reincarnation Matrix”.

 I also think that most people are kept inside a liquid as shown in the movie Matrix but some are in a dry condition. Needless to say the ones in the liquid look horrible in reality while the ones in a dry state have it a bit better. The  distinction is that the people plugged in a dry state are at an entirely different location. I am still working on the details and trust me this has been rather challenging to discover.

There is a place called simply “Above the Stars” and it is literally, bare with me here, above the stars. I have been there a few times in Lucid dreaming and from my journeys in that place I think they are the real world and that’s the location of plugged in bodies in dry state. I saw the people there looking at our world as some sort of study/experiment they are running and our world together with our universe, stars and planets are all a Matrix. 

I believe they created the Matrix and made it to mirror in a big way their culture and customs. They look human like us but giants in comparison to us, their main language for some reason sounds a lot like French, in fact I think they speak two languages up there French and English! One year on Earth is equivalent to three minutes up there, so a lifetime here is merely a few hours there. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Vegetale Aliens Control Earth

I know that the most famous Aliens of our day and age are the Lizards/Reptilians the reason they are so popular is that they wanted to be, hence employed various authors and speakers to give them a cult status.

However they are not the most important group of Aliens on our Earth, that group is called Vegetale Aliens that’s what they call themselves anyway. You probably have heard of them as the humanoid looking aliens with elongated skulls. So they in fact are the ones that control and are in charge of most processes on Earth. They are the dominant alien species in our world, although they do shy away from publicity unlike their frenemies the Reptilians. They do not want the spotlight on them and want to continue their work undercover. They are frenemies since ultimately Vegetale are in charge but they do work together and have a love hate relationship between them as species. Alien species on Earth and in general have a strict code of an eye for an eye, if you hurt one of ours we will hurt one of yours and it’s a sort of universal rule among alien species.

I always knew that I was not part of the indigenous earth population I was way too interested in space and aliens since forever! So when I was old enough I received telepathically the information about the Vegetale Aliens and saw myself in a vision as one of them. I saw myself as a female Vegetale Alien with an elongated skull and a hooded robe other than the elongated hairless skull I looked very much like human as do the rest of them. Their place of origin and their home planet is located in Cassiopeia. I was excited when I finally found out where I come from and tried to connect with them telepathically to find out more about their work on Earth, however I received a chilly reception, I saw a face of a Vegetale alien in front of me saying to me with a very cold expression “You have become soft, too compassionate”! That’s all I got!  

Wondering what was the meaning of that I went on a long psychic investigation process that took a few months. I found out that apparently Vegetale Aliens are not all fluffy clouds and rainbows but are indeed a very violent and aggressive species, I mean that makes sense if you think that they are working closely with the Reptilians. They are also very intelligent their talent is mathematics hence their technology is way more advanced than ours. Spiritually though they are not more evolved than the average human. So for them it looks like I have betrayed them in away by not upholding their values of aggression, manipulation and violence, since I have developed my compassionate side! During this long psychic investigation I saw a remote vision of three male Vegetale aliens walking and laughing near a gas station late at night when they saw two human women alone, they raped and killed them. Apparently these type of violent incidents are common when it comes to the Vegetale aliens. Needless to say after I found out about all of this I did not try and contact them again and stayed away from finding more detailed information about them as I don’t think there’s any lost love between us.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Evil Psychics

This is a cautionary tale to be aware of commercial psychics. Both the ones you see at fairs and those with an office in Manhattan. About 99.999% of real commercial psychics not the phonies but who have real powers are evil. Plain and simply evil! Usually they are after people’s money and energy of course, when they have a new client they make sure they put their best performance forward they call on all the evil entities they work with to get the facts and predictions right and surprisingly to you they do get it right.

Do not be in awe of their so-called “talent” as it is not a talent at all but a deal they struck with evil entities in exchange for energy, power and usually their soul! Once the new client is under their spell they hook into their energetic sphere and suck on their energy and try and take control of them. More than often this new client will be a repeat customer and pretty much hand over their life decisions to the psychic! So if you think that a psychic can help you out think again more than often they do the opposite, they make it look like they are on your team but there is only one team their team!

There is a small percentage that are not evil but they are not good either more of a medium rare if I were to compare them to a steak.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

An evil Feng Shui Master

Some years ago I went on a Feng Shui course in Asia who was ran by a respected Feng Shui Master. I had read a lot of books on the matter and although there are plenty of courses provided on the subject in the western world I wanted to go down the traditional route and experience a real Feng Shui Master at work, someone who has a traditional lineage passed down from the original Chinese Feng Shui Masters of old.

 I embarked on my little Asian adventure full of hope and excitement. She seemed fascinating when we first met she had so much knowledge and was very keen to share it. During our daily classes she would share Feng Shui secrets but also magickal occult secrets that I had never come across before. She would tell us often about her various mystical experiences, about flying monks and her own Feng Shui teachers with supernatural powers who were able to disappear objects at will and make them appear elsewhere.

 She was running a very profitable operation, which included courses, books and merchandise and she employed a lot of her family members in the running of her business. It was truly all glitz and glamour, she invited us to her house a few times which was more of an enormous mansion and really flaunted her wealth at any opportunity telling us how many millions of dollars she invested in this or other venture.

Our group was about 30 people from all over the world and we all had come for the same reason to learn, unfortunately we got more than we bargained for. During a few nights she visited me in my dreams and tried to literally suck my youth, not kidding! I could see her sort of hovering over me with her face doing a sucking motion and I realized in my dream state what she was doing and quickly covered my face with both hands and she would disappear. She told us a few times that she wanted to live at least 20 more years and she was old let’s put it that way so clearly she was trying to prolong her life energy by taking from others. We also all had a compulsive need to buy her merchandise its like we were all enchanted than a couple of years later I met and ex employee of hers who told me that she puts a very secretive powerful mantra above the door of her stores to make people buy her products and that it works very well, yeah I had no doubt about it.

 I tried to keep in touch with most people from the course and not so surprisingly found out that all people I spoke with had some sort of misfortune happen to them in their lives after the course. A few had lost their jobs, others went bankrupt, two women had miscarriages at late stages, others got divorced with their respective partners I mean the list just kept going.

To put this more bluntly this respected Feng Shui Master was happy to share some of her knowledge with us but took things away from people as a return. Clearly the fee we all paid to be there was not enough for her. She sucked the life out of people; she sucked money out of people and their fortune in general. She is just an evil witch in sheep’s clothing that’s all she is. That is a very common theme with most teachers and gurus of the supernatural world, you think they are teaching you and helping you on your path to knowledge and enlightenment when they are really just helping themselves to your life energy and fortune. The best way to avoid that is to avoid them.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Ayahuasca shamanic experience in Peru

One of my favorite places on Earth is Peru. I have been twice in Peru, the first time I visited most of the landmarks and travelled far and wide inside the country. The diversity of the terrain is so incredible with breathtaking scenery and the people were truly welcoming and friendly.

The second time I decided to go to a lodge in the Peruvian Amazon to experience the plant medicine Ayahuasca under the guidance of a local Shaman. It was a bit crowded there with other foreigners like me from all walks of life both young and old, some had been there multiple times and just keep coming back once a year. There are plenty of lodges like this in the Amazon mainly run by westerners who employ a local shaman to conduct Ayahuasca ceremonies. I believe they are run mainly for profit but at the same time if you go there with the right intention you just might have a truly mystical and profound experience.

I stayed there for a week and each night we had an Ayahuasca ceremony, probably the most memorable one was the first one for me as I did not know what to expect and had no previous experience with any mind altering substances. The shaman begun by giving us one by one a small cup of Ayahuasca to drink some got more or others less depending partially on their body type and whether they had drunk it before. The extreme bitter taste of the plant medicine really surprised me as well as the dark brown muddy color.

 Once I drunk my bit I went to sit on a chair and was waiting for things to kick in but nothing was happening. Then once everyone drunk the medicine all the lights were switched off and we were engulfed by the darkness of the jungle apart from the flickering light of the mapacho tobacco smoked by the shaman, who then started chanting the Icaros, shamanic songs calling on the spirit of Ayahuasca and the spirits of the Jungle. Once he started singing I realized I could feel the vibration of his songs throughout my body, such a strange sensation and then the more he sung the more I started seeing these intrinsic geometric patterns and they would change with the melody of the Icaros. Geometric patterns would alter between visions of the jungle animals, birds, plants and aliens.

It was a lot to take in and then we had a few participants who were just screaming their heads off as they were having a bad trip. One girl in particular was something I could only describe as possessed and the shaman’s assistants had to hold her down during most of the ceremonies. Some people even left the lodge after a couple of ceremonies not sure why might have been the screaming! I suppose its something no one can really control how Ayahuasca will affect them.

Its called medicine for a reason as it does help each person in a different way, for me it really opened up my senses its been years now and I still see those geometric kaleidoscopic patterns in my dreams from time to time. Ayahuasca is engraved in my mind forever and I am so very grateful.

After each ceremony I liked gazing at the clear night sky in the pitch black of the jungle, I had never seen the stars shine so bright before. To this day only in the Amazon have I seen such a starry night. Each time I was in Peru I felt really connected to the land, its culture even the people.

Feeling nostalgic now, perhaps it might be time to revisit this mystical country soon.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Jesus is buried in Carcassonne France

If you are a devout Christian stop reading now as you might find this somewhat blasphemous. I was a devout Christian myself due to my very religious upbringing the problem with that you do not get to question anything for a long time as you are brainwashed since childhood into believing a ludicrous fairytale about this miracle man. Of course it’s not the parents’ fault but more of a system fault because of a global conspiracy.

Once I started developing my psychic sense I was still a big believer in JC, I mean he was the man until he wasn’t! It did not help of course that he would come to me in visions and dreams and present himself as this big teacher of mine guiding me through life. I had a few miracle moments happen to me as well when I was in church and the statue of Jesus on the cross with closed eyes would suddenly open his eyes and look at me or when the icon of virgin Mary would start trembling in front of me it felt like there was an earthquake but I was the only one that felt it. I mean at some point, I kid you not, I thought I was a saint or something having those type of experiences tied to my unequivocal faith. But of course it was all an elaborate hoax played on me by JC I mean I don’t even want to right the name!

So here is the thing I had a major revelation quiet recently when I was doing a lot of meditation and lucid dream travelling all of a sudden I saw that JC was working in fact with the D. again don’t want to right the name! You know the D. the lord of darkness etc. They are partners in crime in fact! That explained to me why throughout the years I had the same dream of me praying in church only to be surrounded by icons and statues of not saints or JC or Virgin Mary but the bad guy the D. I mean we all think that the way out of the darkness is the light and that light is JC. Well we all have been wrong its all a hoax they are working together to make sure they have the majority of people in their grasp. Both JC and D. stand for evil pure evil. In fact yes its true JC. was just a simple man he did exist and was persecuted and had children as the infamous book suggested. He had some powers but nowhere near the ones stated in the bible! Also he did escape to France and in fact as life goes died in France and specifically his remains are still buried in Carcassonne France. With remote viewing I was able to locate them inside some stone steps in Carcassonne France. I have never been there so don’t know the exact location of those steps from photos online Carcassonne seems to be all stone and steps so won’t be an easy task to find them.

The other reason this hoax is played on us is because he needs our energy so when we pray and believe in him we automatically send him a lot of our pure energy, which he feeds on. I would describe him now sort of being stuck in the afterlife matrix if you get my drift, I will explain what afterlife matrix is on another post. Another way he gets pure energy is the usual way by attacking people; while they are sleeping you know the drill.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Earth not a planet but a spaceship

There are a lot of theories out there about flat Earth and a few movies as well, so I had a good read around before embarking on a psychic investigation of my own. For some reason something as obvious as a round Earth planet all of a sudden created a suspicion in me. I had a few dreams where I was shown our planet not to be a planet at all but in fact a spaceship a flat spaceship, and our so-called planet is an ecosystem in that spaceship. 

Also while meditating and focusing on this subject I was shown an image of the spaceship on a piece of paper and some text next to it saying, “Earth is flat, guaranteed”. At the end there was someone’s signature as if verifying this document to me. I still can’t fully wrap my head around this as we have been totally brainwashed by the education system and it’s hard to deviate from the standard way of thinking even for a psychic.

Friday, September 16, 2016

It's a man's world

Some of my posts have been quiet difficult to write as they contain some very unpleasant information that I have gathered throughout the years but I feel it is time to share this hard earned knowledge with the world. What good is it if I keep it secret and hidden, it came to me for a reason and I think this blog is part of that reason. Anyway most people wouldn’t believe the truth even if it hit them in the head. So let’s continue…

Where was I oh yes, I couldn’t understand why was God so negative and aggressive towards me and then I heard a voice saying “Because you are uncovering who he really is”.

So who is he really? I couldn’t help but think that this God of ours must be hiding something major hence was so reluctant for me to meet him and kept throwing me off his trail in my lucid dream travels. I started to do some psychic investigations while meditating and what I found was beyond disgusting. He sexually abuses women on Earth, every day he brings another woman or should I say a girl to his lair usually in her mid to late teens. He sexually abuses sleeping girls in their dreams. I know this is a recurring theme in my posts because you have no idea what a big deal this is and on what scale this is going on. You think you are just sleeping/dreaming but in fact you are very much like your awake self just living in another dimension for the time you are sleeping. He takes a new girl every night to abuse.

 He is a total misogynist and in fact has a little team of men like him who all together are the so-called rulers of this Earth and these other men do the same. They even have a little get together now and again where a lot of girls are provided at once. These men are some of the so-called enlightened ones, the ones that reached nirvana on Earth and passed to a higher state of consciousness. Let me put it this way only men are allowed to reach nirvana on Earth because this is a man’s world. Yes that’s right women were brought in for entertainment and to propagate the species.

After uncovering the truth I had a very vivid dream of me trying to get out of this matrix we are stuck in. In the dream I tried jumping as high as I could and next to me there was a man jumping as well trying to get as high as he could. At the same time there was a group of men looking at us from above, up in the sky and I was jumping higher than the guy next to me but in the end the sky opened up for him and he joined the group of men up above and acquired the same nasty smirk as the rest of them. That was another confirmation for me of what I already knew. At another point when I was meditating I saw an older man helping a younger guy to reach enlightenment and he was encouraging him and whispering in his ear about what to do and he called him “my son” affectionately while I was told abruptly “No you are not allowed! Because you are a woman”!

In other words men have indeed a fraternity going on up there outside this matrix which is totally opposed to women who need to be under their control and used for their pleasure. They show camaraderie to other men worthy and strong enough to join them and disregard all women because they are women. I have also found out their meeting place, which is a red house in the Black Forest in southwest Germany. This red house is physically present somewhere in those woods but the group itself operates from another dimension so are obscured from view to the naked eye but not the third eye. I do not recommend curious people to project into that house as it can be dangerous they do not like nosy people, I myself have only seen it with remote vision. In that house they conduct their meetings where they make decisions about Earth and its people.

They have a pyramid hierarchy structure with our God being top of the pyramid and the rest following suit, they are the real illuminati governments and celebrities are just their puppets and they do as they please with them. In fact most famous good-looking women are number one victims of dream sex attacks from the group as in a way they did help make them who they are.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

I met God what a disappointment (UPDATED)

I was wondering for a while who our creator was, who was this so called God of ours in whose name wars started and people sacrificed. I was pondering whether he was indeed a benevolent God looking after us or he created us and left us to his devices.

I remembered playing the Sims game when I was a teenager and thinking  do we look like that to God perhaps a little Simulation game that he plays when he is bored? When you play Sims you are the God you create the people and their world and manipulate them however you like. It was strange for my older self to remember having the same questions as a teenager and getting nowhere near an answer. I had long realised that the Bible was just a nice fabricated fairy tale created to control the masses as have all the religions. There are no real answers there so I decided to look elsewhere.

All of a sudden while contemplating these big question of my own existence I had an unexpected memory resurfacing. A very old, deeply buried memory from my early childhood. I was 6 years old when I distinctively remember walking by the seaside with my parents and having a sudden realization a sort of understanding that we must be all a game, pawns on a game board at that very moment I had a vision sort of in the air above me of two old men with gray hair looking down on me and having this creepy smile and holding two pawns in their hands. 

I was surprised that I had this type of experience so early on and had totally forgotten about it. I had an eerie feeling that this vision  was very close to the truth. I decided to employ all my psychic faculties and lucid dreaming experience and get to the bottom of it. So naturally the next step would be go and meet GOD. I mean I was able to travel at will in the dream world wherever I wanted why haven’t I yet gone to meet the big guy, the big boss our so called GOD and Creator?

So for the next few months I only worked on that in lucid dreaming travels to go to meet GOD. Surprisingly it was not as easy as I thought, he was an elusive figure and it took a few good weeks before I was able to get anywhere. My first productive lucid trip was when I was flying around and got the determination that I need to go and meet him NOW enough is enough and then all of a sudden I see a blond haired woman on the ground waving at me. I flew towards her and she hurried behind this wall so I followed her and when I landed she said here he is. I was standing in front of a massive bronze/golden statue of a man in his 60s or 70s sitting on a throne with glasses and a short beard and a cane in his hand. What I found strange where his clothing circa 1800s, he also had a sort of creepy smile the same type as from my childhood vision. He had the expression of being very satisfied with himself but also a type of arrogance about him like “I know but no one else does”. Then the woman showed me two more statues right next to him implying that they are all related to my quest of meeting GOD. The second one was a profile of another man who seemed to be smiling and had the McDonald’s logo on top of him the big M. The last statue was also of a man’s profile but had engine type discs inside the head like a robot. 

That morning I was thinking hard trying to make sense of what I saw, wasn’t GOD supposed to be ONE and only why were there two more statues and what does it all mean. Then I had a psychic realization that he is not alone, he did not create this world all by himself sure he is the main guy so to speak but he created it with the collaboration of the man depicted in the second statue like in my childhood vision I saw two grey haired men. The third statue is obvious he used supreme technology in creating us and our world, he was helped by machines, robots.

After this dream encounter with these statues I was even more determined to meet the real deal, I still had hope in my heart that sure he would like to meet me, I am his creation he will welcome me with open arms. How wrong I was.
During my meditations on God after that recent lucid experience I kept seeing a Tree an old looking tree, but could not figure it what it meant. I thought to myself that like everyone else no matter how powerful our so-called God-Creator must have a place or a dwelling where he lived I was sure of it and I was right. Next time I was lucid I consciously told myself I want to go where GOD lives. And of course I was transported next to this ancient tree I kept seeing in my meditation. It was a really ancient looking tree with a thick grey bark and no leaves. In the dream I quickly realised ok this is it, he is inside there, this is his house! I got all excited and got up on that tree as I could not see any doors or openings so sat on the tree in between the branches and started to peel of the bark to gain entrance but I quickly stopped thinking maybe that’s rude trying to get in forcefully if this is indeed God’s house and I am destroying it, that doesn’t look very good of me.

 Then I asked myself how do you get in there and a voice in the dream told me that he has to invite you in, you can’t just barge in there like you own the place. So I knocked a couple of times to be polite and nothing happened then all of a sudden robots appeared next to the tree and started chasing me and shooting at me. I started flying away in panic and then I woke up.

 I did not like the feeling I got that God was indeed there inside the tree and he wanted me gone so he called his guards to get rid of me! Well that’s not the welcoming party I was hoping for having finally made it to God’s house. I thought he should be happy and impressed with how persistent I was and how far I have come to finally get to where he lives! I mean we all have this thought of our God-Creator to be this loving father and guiding us through life but that’s not the reception I received. During my next meditation I heard “He can’t believe how stubborn you are”

Well I was determined to continue my quest of meeting him, some silly robots wouldn’t be enough to stop me. At that stage I knew where to go exactly to find God, I mean I knew where he lived so it was just a matter of time and keep trying to get into that tree. I mean I was so naïve that I was even thinking of questions I was going to ask God. I tried to dismiss the evidence that I was not welcome, and instead focusing on my imaginary awesome conversation I was going to have with God.

Shortly after, I had another dream where I became lucid and automatically was transported outside the God’s tree house! I was surprised that it happened so quickly without any effort from my side. All of a sudden I felt a sort of pull, I was pulled inside the tree. The problem was that then it all became hazy and blurred. I realized I was inside the tree and standing in what looked like a room with wooden walls but my senses were out of focus. Usually when you are lucid in a dream all your senses are heightened and super sharp. Now that I finally got where I wanted I felt like I was drugged, totally out of it. I was able to focus enough to realize that there was a very tall giant like man standing in front of me and looking angry and annoyed with me. At that point I made a quick mental note to myself that’s him that’s God but what is going on? 

The next thing I remember was a big blow to my head, and then someone appeared who was wearing all black and touching my head and doing something with my hair. Then I woke up totally confused and trying to remember as much information as possible but it was all hazy. Then a realization came over me that I was attacked by GOD!!!!!!! He hit me and tried to alter my memory of what happened and probably even brainwash me or implant thoughts/suggestions hence tampering with my head and hair. Then I heard a voice telling me, and I knew it was him “I am warning you”.

I was shocked by the whole experience and tried to figure it out when I heard that “He doesn’t want you to keep digging because you are close to finding out who he really is”.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Ugly Dinner

I was invited for dinner recently at this really nice all American family. They have two young daughters elementary school age. It was the first time that I met them as I was a +1. The couple seemed normal and the kids also apart from the fact that I had a feeling something was off about them, not everything is as it seems. I tried to ignore this feeling in the beginning and carry on chatting away with both of them and interacting with the kids. The more I did so I realized that the mother seems to have very low energy field, she seemed totally drained and I could see she was forcing a smile now and again and was interacting with her kids but it all seemed very forced like she really did not want to be there, she was disconnected from her environment and had the glass eyed look I have seen before. The kids seemed like normal kids only on closer inspection I noticed the younger daughter seemed to have a low energy field like her mother. Hey I thought to myself different people different personalities that’s it until I talked a couple of times with the father, he seemed very content with himself and very outgoing unlike his wife.

 I have made an observation throughout the years that when I find it easier to speak with the male partner who makes it feel like we were best friends since high school but cannot connect on any level with the woman who seems totally shutdown there is something occult going on there. And as our sixth sense works in most bizarre way, soon enough while sitting at the dinner table all together I looked at the husband and asked my psychic self what’s the story here, what’s up with him? The answer was shocking  “He is raping his two daughters”! Of course I could not concentrate on anything else but that the entire dinner. I kept getting info left, right and centre. So apparently this guy is using hypnosis on his kids and his wife, who is totally unaware of who he really is. He started molesting the older daughter when his wife was pregnant with the second one, so the hypnosis and abuse started early on for that one but not since birth as for the second one, which doesn’t make it any better really. The mother conveniently travels a lot for work so this guy had plenty of time to put all the foundation for a hypnotic suggestion that the kids don’t remember a thing so can’t go and tell their mum. The wife is also surviving on hypnotic suggestions herself and clearly he is feeding off all their energies.

The question here is how do I go about this, do I try and convince the mother that I had a psychic epiphany, she will never believe me of course, or leave this all together? Send perhaps an anonymous email to her? Hmmm don’t know how to proceed need to think more.

Immortals in Himalayas

Have you heard about the immortals? You know that group of individuals living somewhere in the Himalayas? Well they actually exist, in fact I have some information on them through lucid dreaming and psychic contact they made with me. At first I was super thrilled thinking wow if they are contacting me through my dreams and telepathically I must be doing something right! Of course I was naïve as always! All they wanted was to use me, more specifically for me to do some lucid dream travelling for them and report what I saw, that’s a very common way secret groups, cults etc. try and exploit psychics that are unaware of their own power. They use them as spies in places that they themselves do not want to go as it might be dangerous or do not have the right energetic print to enter through astral travel or lucid dreaming. I am not sure which one it was with the immortals maybe both they wanted someone else to do the dirty work for them while they are just sitting pretty high up in the mountains enjoying their immortality. In general they are not evil nor good they are a neutral group well that is what they claim anyway. They sort of observe humanity from afar while literally having dinner parties in the Himalayas and feeling all smug about themselves. 

In the beginning I did not realize it was them sending me to all these places in my dreams but then it was clear, because why was I suddenly transported to a secret US military base, that I knew nothing about and had no business going? Anyway about that base, it was some sort of spaceship launching base that is top secret and unlike what people think that US is not going to space anymore well they are!!! I started flying around the base looking at different aircrafts and saw one launching the space type not sure what they are called, and knew I was not supposed to see that! Then all of a sudden a drone appeared that started chasing me and shooting at me! I could see close to the drone a black woman operating it and looking at me. I knew that was her job she was a government psychic working specifically to deter psychic spies from entering. I mean that is an actual job, most countries have some, its just a top secret position so to speak. Just think about it if they have psychics in place to stop other psychics of getting in that is a proper covert operation going on there and clearly they don’t want anyone getting in even lucid dreamers! I got out all in one piece so that was that!

After that I was annoyed with them and consciously stopped all contact as let’s face it they were putting me in danger, although people say you can’t die while lucid dreaming or astral travelling in reality you can. Not only can you sustain irreparable damage to your aura and energy field you can in fact die straight and simple.

To conclude, some more information on them is that they are getting their immortality by swimming in a waterfall, which is inside their city. Its impossible to find this place physically unless you are invited by them and then they will open the doors to their city. It is on the Tibetan side of the Himalayas and high up inside the mountains that’s all I know in regards to where they are physically located.

Secret Base in Siberia

I had a lucid dream a couple of years ago where I was taken to a very cold snowy place. In the dream when I realized ok I am dreaming I started wondering where I was and then a thought popped into my head "Siberia"! 

Then I felt I had to go underground, there was something underground sort of calling me so I flew sort of inside, beneath the snow and a whole military type base appeared underground, specifically there was this big rectangular building and I knew I had to go in there. So I did and I was met by children a lot of them, they seemed really happy to see me. They started talking to me and then I thought to myself there is something strange about them, when I figured out they are all looking the same or at least very similar like identical twins but with different haircuts and clothes. They were all girls at least the ones I was interacting with around the age of 8 probably. One of them then explained to me that they were all clones of this one girl born with extraordinary abilities and hence they all had those abilities. Then I asked one of them what was her ability what could she do, she then held the fingers of her hand as if framing a picture and then a live sort of image appeared of President Obama talking! It was like she could transmit the image live with her bare hands, I was surprised to say the least! Then they seemed a bit sad, telling me that they were locked inside this building and could not go out so that no one sees them. Its like they invited me to visit them, not sure if they thought I could help them somehow or they just wanted me to share this story it sure took me a while!

I have no idea where exactly they are located apart from that it is in Siberia, I mean does anyone really knows where is what in Siberia! It is definitely a perfect location for this type of installation.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Altantis still Exists

 I would like to share the information I have gathered through extensive lucid dreaming and remote viewing that Atlantis actually still exists. Atlantis was never flooded but that is the myth Atlanteans want everyone to believe in so that no one actually goes looking for them. If you are into meditating or have some psychic abilities of sorts you will soon realize that whenever you try to do any work around Atlantis you will just keep seeing the same images of flood and water. The reason for that is that Atlanteans have gone to extreme lengths to imprint this story in the psychic planes and ethereal energies that mediums, psychics and simple meditators can tap into from time to time. The truth is that they are alive and kicking! They certainly do have more advanced technology than us and have used this technology to mask themselves from view, they have raised their frequencies and migrated their continent to another dimension but they are still very much involved in what is happening on Earth and are manipulating humanity. Let's put it mildly they are not friendly folk.

Their big secret is that they have a physical access point from Atlantis to Earth and vice versa. They have built an interdimensional bridge in the form of a wooden cabin in the French northwestern region. I do not know where exactly but it is in a forested area in the northwest of France. The portal only works in winter and specifically when there is snow. There are instructions on the inside of the cabin's door in form of pictures of how to activate it. As mentioned the portal works both ways, however only two humans from Earth have ever travelled through this portal as it was built by Atlanteans for Atlanteans on an exclusive basis apart from those two humans. 

Atlantis in itself looks very much like any developed country on Earth, it looks surprisingly earthy, with tall buildings and urban areas close to parks full of trees. Atlanteans look just like us but their genetic engineering is really advanced so they have created animal human hybrids in many different varieties.