Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Secret Base in Siberia

I had a lucid dream a couple of years ago where I was taken to a very cold snowy place. In the dream when I realized ok I am dreaming I started wondering where I was and then a thought popped into my head "Siberia"! 

Then I felt I had to go underground, there was something underground sort of calling me so I flew sort of inside, beneath the snow and a whole military type base appeared underground, specifically there was this big rectangular building and I knew I had to go in there. So I did and I was met by children a lot of them, they seemed really happy to see me. They started talking to me and then I thought to myself there is something strange about them, when I figured out they are all looking the same or at least very similar like identical twins but with different haircuts and clothes. They were all girls at least the ones I was interacting with around the age of 8 probably. One of them then explained to me that they were all clones of this one girl born with extraordinary abilities and hence they all had those abilities. Then I asked one of them what was her ability what could she do, she then held the fingers of her hand as if framing a picture and then a live sort of image appeared of President Obama talking! It was like she could transmit the image live with her bare hands, I was surprised to say the least! Then they seemed a bit sad, telling me that they were locked inside this building and could not go out so that no one sees them. Its like they invited me to visit them, not sure if they thought I could help them somehow or they just wanted me to share this story it sure took me a while!

I have no idea where exactly they are located apart from that it is in Siberia, I mean does anyone really knows where is what in Siberia! It is definitely a perfect location for this type of installation.

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