Wednesday, September 7, 2016

I met God what a disappointment (UPDATED)

I was wondering for a while who our creator was, who was this so called God of ours in whose name wars started and people sacrificed. I was pondering whether he was indeed a benevolent God looking after us or he created us and left us to his devices.

I remembered playing the Sims game when I was a teenager and thinking  do we look like that to God perhaps a little Simulation game that he plays when he is bored? When you play Sims you are the God you create the people and their world and manipulate them however you like. It was strange for my older self to remember having the same questions as a teenager and getting nowhere near an answer. I had long realised that the Bible was just a nice fabricated fairy tale created to control the masses as have all the religions. There are no real answers there so I decided to look elsewhere.

All of a sudden while contemplating these big question of my own existence I had an unexpected memory resurfacing. A very old, deeply buried memory from my early childhood. I was 6 years old when I distinctively remember walking by the seaside with my parents and having a sudden realization a sort of understanding that we must be all a game, pawns on a game board at that very moment I had a vision sort of in the air above me of two old men with gray hair looking down on me and having this creepy smile and holding two pawns in their hands. 

I was surprised that I had this type of experience so early on and had totally forgotten about it. I had an eerie feeling that this vision  was very close to the truth. I decided to employ all my psychic faculties and lucid dreaming experience and get to the bottom of it. So naturally the next step would be go and meet GOD. I mean I was able to travel at will in the dream world wherever I wanted why haven’t I yet gone to meet the big guy, the big boss our so called GOD and Creator?

So for the next few months I only worked on that in lucid dreaming travels to go to meet GOD. Surprisingly it was not as easy as I thought, he was an elusive figure and it took a few good weeks before I was able to get anywhere. My first productive lucid trip was when I was flying around and got the determination that I need to go and meet him NOW enough is enough and then all of a sudden I see a blond haired woman on the ground waving at me. I flew towards her and she hurried behind this wall so I followed her and when I landed she said here he is. I was standing in front of a massive bronze/golden statue of a man in his 60s or 70s sitting on a throne with glasses and a short beard and a cane in his hand. What I found strange where his clothing circa 1800s, he also had a sort of creepy smile the same type as from my childhood vision. He had the expression of being very satisfied with himself but also a type of arrogance about him like “I know but no one else does”. Then the woman showed me two more statues right next to him implying that they are all related to my quest of meeting GOD. The second one was a profile of another man who seemed to be smiling and had the McDonald’s logo on top of him the big M. The last statue was also of a man’s profile but had engine type discs inside the head like a robot. 

That morning I was thinking hard trying to make sense of what I saw, wasn’t GOD supposed to be ONE and only why were there two more statues and what does it all mean. Then I had a psychic realization that he is not alone, he did not create this world all by himself sure he is the main guy so to speak but he created it with the collaboration of the man depicted in the second statue like in my childhood vision I saw two grey haired men. The third statue is obvious he used supreme technology in creating us and our world, he was helped by machines, robots.

After this dream encounter with these statues I was even more determined to meet the real deal, I still had hope in my heart that sure he would like to meet me, I am his creation he will welcome me with open arms. How wrong I was.
During my meditations on God after that recent lucid experience I kept seeing a Tree an old looking tree, but could not figure it what it meant. I thought to myself that like everyone else no matter how powerful our so-called God-Creator must have a place or a dwelling where he lived I was sure of it and I was right. Next time I was lucid I consciously told myself I want to go where GOD lives. And of course I was transported next to this ancient tree I kept seeing in my meditation. It was a really ancient looking tree with a thick grey bark and no leaves. In the dream I quickly realised ok this is it, he is inside there, this is his house! I got all excited and got up on that tree as I could not see any doors or openings so sat on the tree in between the branches and started to peel of the bark to gain entrance but I quickly stopped thinking maybe that’s rude trying to get in forcefully if this is indeed God’s house and I am destroying it, that doesn’t look very good of me.

 Then I asked myself how do you get in there and a voice in the dream told me that he has to invite you in, you can’t just barge in there like you own the place. So I knocked a couple of times to be polite and nothing happened then all of a sudden robots appeared next to the tree and started chasing me and shooting at me. I started flying away in panic and then I woke up.

 I did not like the feeling I got that God was indeed there inside the tree and he wanted me gone so he called his guards to get rid of me! Well that’s not the welcoming party I was hoping for having finally made it to God’s house. I thought he should be happy and impressed with how persistent I was and how far I have come to finally get to where he lives! I mean we all have this thought of our God-Creator to be this loving father and guiding us through life but that’s not the reception I received. During my next meditation I heard “He can’t believe how stubborn you are”

Well I was determined to continue my quest of meeting him, some silly robots wouldn’t be enough to stop me. At that stage I knew where to go exactly to find God, I mean I knew where he lived so it was just a matter of time and keep trying to get into that tree. I mean I was so naïve that I was even thinking of questions I was going to ask God. I tried to dismiss the evidence that I was not welcome, and instead focusing on my imaginary awesome conversation I was going to have with God.

Shortly after, I had another dream where I became lucid and automatically was transported outside the God’s tree house! I was surprised that it happened so quickly without any effort from my side. All of a sudden I felt a sort of pull, I was pulled inside the tree. The problem was that then it all became hazy and blurred. I realized I was inside the tree and standing in what looked like a room with wooden walls but my senses were out of focus. Usually when you are lucid in a dream all your senses are heightened and super sharp. Now that I finally got where I wanted I felt like I was drugged, totally out of it. I was able to focus enough to realize that there was a very tall giant like man standing in front of me and looking angry and annoyed with me. At that point I made a quick mental note to myself that’s him that’s God but what is going on? 

The next thing I remember was a big blow to my head, and then someone appeared who was wearing all black and touching my head and doing something with my hair. Then I woke up totally confused and trying to remember as much information as possible but it was all hazy. Then a realization came over me that I was attacked by GOD!!!!!!! He hit me and tried to alter my memory of what happened and probably even brainwash me or implant thoughts/suggestions hence tampering with my head and hair. Then I heard a voice telling me, and I knew it was him “I am warning you”.

I was shocked by the whole experience and tried to figure it out when I heard that “He doesn’t want you to keep digging because you are close to finding out who he really is”.

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