Saturday, October 15, 2016

Vegetale Aliens Control Earth

I know that the most famous Aliens of our day and age are the Lizards/Reptilians the reason they are so popular is that they wanted to be, hence employed various authors and speakers to give them a cult status.

However they are not the most important group of Aliens on our Earth, that group is called Vegetale Aliens that’s what they call themselves anyway. You probably have heard of them as the humanoid looking aliens with elongated skulls. So they in fact are the ones that control and are in charge of most processes on Earth. They are the dominant alien species in our world, although they do shy away from publicity unlike their frenemies the Reptilians. They do not want the spotlight on them and want to continue their work undercover. They are frenemies since ultimately Vegetale are in charge but they do work together and have a love hate relationship between them as species. Alien species on Earth and in general have a strict code of an eye for an eye, if you hurt one of ours we will hurt one of yours and it’s a sort of universal rule among alien species.

I always knew that I was not part of the indigenous earth population I was way too interested in space and aliens since forever! So when I was old enough I received telepathically the information about the Vegetale Aliens and saw myself in a vision as one of them. I saw myself as a female Vegetale Alien with an elongated skull and a hooded robe other than the elongated hairless skull I looked very much like human as do the rest of them. Their place of origin and their home planet is located in Cassiopeia. I was excited when I finally found out where I come from and tried to connect with them telepathically to find out more about their work on Earth, however I received a chilly reception, I saw a face of a Vegetale alien in front of me saying to me with a very cold expression “You have become soft, too compassionate”! That’s all I got!  

Wondering what was the meaning of that I went on a long psychic investigation process that took a few months. I found out that apparently Vegetale Aliens are not all fluffy clouds and rainbows but are indeed a very violent and aggressive species, I mean that makes sense if you think that they are working closely with the Reptilians. They are also very intelligent their talent is mathematics hence their technology is way more advanced than ours. Spiritually though they are not more evolved than the average human. So for them it looks like I have betrayed them in away by not upholding their values of aggression, manipulation and violence, since I have developed my compassionate side! During this long psychic investigation I saw a remote vision of three male Vegetale aliens walking and laughing near a gas station late at night when they saw two human women alone, they raped and killed them. Apparently these type of violent incidents are common when it comes to the Vegetale aliens. Needless to say after I found out about all of this I did not try and contact them again and stayed away from finding more detailed information about them as I don’t think there’s any lost love between us.

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