Sunday, November 27, 2016

Spirit guides what a joke!

Big part of the whole New Age, Angelic, Meditation, and Transcendental movement are the so-called spirit guides, the have been written so many books on this matter and they all somehow reflect a belief that we all have spirit guides that are essentially really advanced souls that are helping us through our current reincarnation, some people have even multiple guides in their spiritual entourage.

Whenever I participated in any psychic development workshop the instructor would always urge us to connect with our spirit guides and ask them to guide and protect us. Well like the rest I was hooked on the idea and embarked on a long journey to connect and establish a relationship with my spirit guide who turned out to be a Thai woman. I mean she seemed nice and kind to begin with and did guide and advice me through some interesting times in my life, but while that was happening I did not realise I slowly gave her a full control of all my life decisions.

When I realised what was going on and regained control of myself she became vicious! She started to do all sort of things against me and showed how nasty and jealous she really was of me this whole time. Yes that’s right spirit guides can become nasty because unlike what they want us to believe that they are advanced souls most of them have their own agendas and are not as evolved as they want us to believe. After the fiasco with this guide I stopped all contact with her and soon was assigned another one but I already smelled his willingness to control me from miles away, so want nothing to do with him and let him know that! Essentially spirit guides are just power hungry spirits that see you as a good source of power and try and manipulate you. Plus do not forget what I mentioned at my previous post. Spirits really are just trapped in the after life Matrix and try desperately to find their way out of it.

So I call BS on this whole spirit guide thing! Stay away from them.

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