Monday, August 29, 2016

Altantis still Exists

 I would like to share the information I have gathered through extensive lucid dreaming and remote viewing that Atlantis actually still exists. Atlantis was never flooded but that is the myth Atlanteans want everyone to believe in so that no one actually goes looking for them. If you are into meditating or have some psychic abilities of sorts you will soon realize that whenever you try to do any work around Atlantis you will just keep seeing the same images of flood and water. The reason for that is that Atlanteans have gone to extreme lengths to imprint this story in the psychic planes and ethereal energies that mediums, psychics and simple meditators can tap into from time to time. The truth is that they are alive and kicking! They certainly do have more advanced technology than us and have used this technology to mask themselves from view, they have raised their frequencies and migrated their continent to another dimension but they are still very much involved in what is happening on Earth and are manipulating humanity. Let's put it mildly they are not friendly folk.

Their big secret is that they have a physical access point from Atlantis to Earth and vice versa. They have built an interdimensional bridge in the form of a wooden cabin in the French northwestern region. I do not know where exactly but it is in a forested area in the northwest of France. The portal only works in winter and specifically when there is snow. There are instructions on the inside of the cabin's door in form of pictures of how to activate it. As mentioned the portal works both ways, however only two humans from Earth have ever travelled through this portal as it was built by Atlanteans for Atlanteans on an exclusive basis apart from those two humans. 

Atlantis in itself looks very much like any developed country on Earth, it looks surprisingly earthy, with tall buildings and urban areas close to parks full of trees. Atlanteans look just like us but their genetic engineering is really advanced so they have created animal human hybrids in many different varieties.

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