Tuesday, October 25, 2016

We live in the Matrix

I have watched the Matrix movie multiple times and my belief is that we are indeed plugged into the Matrix. I believe that the afterlife, so called heaven that people think they are going to, is a Matrix too so you don’t really get unplugged even if you die on Earth as after spending some minimal time in the “Heaven Matrix” you switch back to the “Reincarnation Matrix”.

 I also think that most people are kept inside a liquid as shown in the movie Matrix but some are in a dry condition. Needless to say the ones in the liquid look horrible in reality while the ones in a dry state have it a bit better. The  distinction is that the people plugged in a dry state are at an entirely different location. I am still working on the details and trust me this has been rather challenging to discover.

There is a place called simply “Above the Stars” and it is literally, bare with me here, above the stars. I have been there a few times in Lucid dreaming and from my journeys in that place I think they are the real world and that’s the location of plugged in bodies in dry state. I saw the people there looking at our world as some sort of study/experiment they are running and our world together with our universe, stars and planets are all a Matrix. 

I believe they created the Matrix and made it to mirror in a big way their culture and customs. They look human like us but giants in comparison to us, their main language for some reason sounds a lot like French, in fact I think they speak two languages up there French and English! One year on Earth is equivalent to three minutes up there, so a lifetime here is merely a few hours there. 

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