Sunday, October 2, 2016

An evil Feng Shui Master

Some years ago I went on a Feng Shui course in Asia who was ran by a respected Feng Shui Master. I had read a lot of books on the matter and although there are plenty of courses provided on the subject in the western world I wanted to go down the traditional route and experience a real Feng Shui Master at work, someone who has a traditional lineage passed down from the original Chinese Feng Shui Masters of old.

 I embarked on my little Asian adventure full of hope and excitement. She seemed fascinating when we first met she had so much knowledge and was very keen to share it. During our daily classes she would share Feng Shui secrets but also magickal occult secrets that I had never come across before. She would tell us often about her various mystical experiences, about flying monks and her own Feng Shui teachers with supernatural powers who were able to disappear objects at will and make them appear elsewhere.

 She was running a very profitable operation, which included courses, books and merchandise and she employed a lot of her family members in the running of her business. It was truly all glitz and glamour, she invited us to her house a few times which was more of an enormous mansion and really flaunted her wealth at any opportunity telling us how many millions of dollars she invested in this or other venture.

Our group was about 30 people from all over the world and we all had come for the same reason to learn, unfortunately we got more than we bargained for. During a few nights she visited me in my dreams and tried to literally suck my youth, not kidding! I could see her sort of hovering over me with her face doing a sucking motion and I realized in my dream state what she was doing and quickly covered my face with both hands and she would disappear. She told us a few times that she wanted to live at least 20 more years and she was old let’s put it that way so clearly she was trying to prolong her life energy by taking from others. We also all had a compulsive need to buy her merchandise its like we were all enchanted than a couple of years later I met and ex employee of hers who told me that she puts a very secretive powerful mantra above the door of her stores to make people buy her products and that it works very well, yeah I had no doubt about it.

 I tried to keep in touch with most people from the course and not so surprisingly found out that all people I spoke with had some sort of misfortune happen to them in their lives after the course. A few had lost their jobs, others went bankrupt, two women had miscarriages at late stages, others got divorced with their respective partners I mean the list just kept going.

To put this more bluntly this respected Feng Shui Master was happy to share some of her knowledge with us but took things away from people as a return. Clearly the fee we all paid to be there was not enough for her. She sucked the life out of people; she sucked money out of people and their fortune in general. She is just an evil witch in sheep’s clothing that’s all she is. That is a very common theme with most teachers and gurus of the supernatural world, you think they are teaching you and helping you on your path to knowledge and enlightenment when they are really just helping themselves to your life energy and fortune. The best way to avoid that is to avoid them.

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