Friday, September 16, 2016

It's a man's world

Some of my posts have been quiet difficult to write as they contain some very unpleasant information that I have gathered throughout the years but I feel it is time to share this hard earned knowledge with the world. What good is it if I keep it secret and hidden, it came to me for a reason and I think this blog is part of that reason. Anyway most people wouldn’t believe the truth even if it hit them in the head. So let’s continue…

Where was I oh yes, I couldn’t understand why was God so negative and aggressive towards me and then I heard a voice saying “Because you are uncovering who he really is”.

So who is he really? I couldn’t help but think that this God of ours must be hiding something major hence was so reluctant for me to meet him and kept throwing me off his trail in my lucid dream travels. I started to do some psychic investigations while meditating and what I found was beyond disgusting. He sexually abuses women on Earth, every day he brings another woman or should I say a girl to his lair usually in her mid to late teens. He sexually abuses sleeping girls in their dreams. I know this is a recurring theme in my posts because you have no idea what a big deal this is and on what scale this is going on. You think you are just sleeping/dreaming but in fact you are very much like your awake self just living in another dimension for the time you are sleeping. He takes a new girl every night to abuse.

 He is a total misogynist and in fact has a little team of men like him who all together are the so-called rulers of this Earth and these other men do the same. They even have a little get together now and again where a lot of girls are provided at once. These men are some of the so-called enlightened ones, the ones that reached nirvana on Earth and passed to a higher state of consciousness. Let me put it this way only men are allowed to reach nirvana on Earth because this is a man’s world. Yes that’s right women were brought in for entertainment and to propagate the species.

After uncovering the truth I had a very vivid dream of me trying to get out of this matrix we are stuck in. In the dream I tried jumping as high as I could and next to me there was a man jumping as well trying to get as high as he could. At the same time there was a group of men looking at us from above, up in the sky and I was jumping higher than the guy next to me but in the end the sky opened up for him and he joined the group of men up above and acquired the same nasty smirk as the rest of them. That was another confirmation for me of what I already knew. At another point when I was meditating I saw an older man helping a younger guy to reach enlightenment and he was encouraging him and whispering in his ear about what to do and he called him “my son” affectionately while I was told abruptly “No you are not allowed! Because you are a woman”!

In other words men have indeed a fraternity going on up there outside this matrix which is totally opposed to women who need to be under their control and used for their pleasure. They show camaraderie to other men worthy and strong enough to join them and disregard all women because they are women. I have also found out their meeting place, which is a red house in the Black Forest in southwest Germany. This red house is physically present somewhere in those woods but the group itself operates from another dimension so are obscured from view to the naked eye but not the third eye. I do not recommend curious people to project into that house as it can be dangerous they do not like nosy people, I myself have only seen it with remote vision. In that house they conduct their meetings where they make decisions about Earth and its people.

They have a pyramid hierarchy structure with our God being top of the pyramid and the rest following suit, they are the real illuminati governments and celebrities are just their puppets and they do as they please with them. In fact most famous good-looking women are number one victims of dream sex attacks from the group as in a way they did help make them who they are.

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