Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Ugly Dinner

I was invited for dinner recently at this really nice all American family. They have two young daughters elementary school age. It was the first time that I met them as I was a +1. The couple seemed normal and the kids also apart from the fact that I had a feeling something was off about them, not everything is as it seems. I tried to ignore this feeling in the beginning and carry on chatting away with both of them and interacting with the kids. The more I did so I realized that the mother seems to have very low energy field, she seemed totally drained and I could see she was forcing a smile now and again and was interacting with her kids but it all seemed very forced like she really did not want to be there, she was disconnected from her environment and had the glass eyed look I have seen before. The kids seemed like normal kids only on closer inspection I noticed the younger daughter seemed to have a low energy field like her mother. Hey I thought to myself different people different personalities that’s it until I talked a couple of times with the father, he seemed very content with himself and very outgoing unlike his wife.

 I have made an observation throughout the years that when I find it easier to speak with the male partner who makes it feel like we were best friends since high school but cannot connect on any level with the woman who seems totally shutdown there is something occult going on there. And as our sixth sense works in most bizarre way, soon enough while sitting at the dinner table all together I looked at the husband and asked my psychic self what’s the story here, what’s up with him? The answer was shocking  “He is raping his two daughters”! Of course I could not concentrate on anything else but that the entire dinner. I kept getting info left, right and centre. So apparently this guy is using hypnosis on his kids and his wife, who is totally unaware of who he really is. He started molesting the older daughter when his wife was pregnant with the second one, so the hypnosis and abuse started early on for that one but not since birth as for the second one, which doesn’t make it any better really. The mother conveniently travels a lot for work so this guy had plenty of time to put all the foundation for a hypnotic suggestion that the kids don’t remember a thing so can’t go and tell their mum. The wife is also surviving on hypnotic suggestions herself and clearly he is feeding off all their energies.

The question here is how do I go about this, do I try and convince the mother that I had a psychic epiphany, she will never believe me of course, or leave this all together? Send perhaps an anonymous email to her? Hmmm don’t know how to proceed need to think more.

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