Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Jesus is buried in Carcassonne France

If you are a devout Christian stop reading now as you might find this somewhat blasphemous. I was a devout Christian myself due to my very religious upbringing the problem with that you do not get to question anything for a long time as you are brainwashed since childhood into believing a ludicrous fairytale about this miracle man. Of course it’s not the parents’ fault but more of a system fault because of a global conspiracy.

Once I started developing my psychic sense I was still a big believer in JC, I mean he was the man until he wasn’t! It did not help of course that he would come to me in visions and dreams and present himself as this big teacher of mine guiding me through life. I had a few miracle moments happen to me as well when I was in church and the statue of Jesus on the cross with closed eyes would suddenly open his eyes and look at me or when the icon of virgin Mary would start trembling in front of me it felt like there was an earthquake but I was the only one that felt it. I mean at some point, I kid you not, I thought I was a saint or something having those type of experiences tied to my unequivocal faith. But of course it was all an elaborate hoax played on me by JC I mean I don’t even want to right the name!

So here is the thing I had a major revelation quiet recently when I was doing a lot of meditation and lucid dream travelling all of a sudden I saw that JC was working in fact with the D. again don’t want to right the name! You know the D. the lord of darkness etc. They are partners in crime in fact! That explained to me why throughout the years I had the same dream of me praying in church only to be surrounded by icons and statues of not saints or JC or Virgin Mary but the bad guy the D. I mean we all think that the way out of the darkness is the light and that light is JC. Well we all have been wrong its all a hoax they are working together to make sure they have the majority of people in their grasp. Both JC and D. stand for evil pure evil. In fact yes its true JC. was just a simple man he did exist and was persecuted and had children as the infamous book suggested. He had some powers but nowhere near the ones stated in the bible! Also he did escape to France and in fact as life goes died in France and specifically his remains are still buried in Carcassonne France. With remote viewing I was able to locate them inside some stone steps in Carcassonne France. I have never been there so don’t know the exact location of those steps from photos online Carcassonne seems to be all stone and steps so won’t be an easy task to find them.

The other reason this hoax is played on us is because he needs our energy so when we pray and believe in him we automatically send him a lot of our pure energy, which he feeds on. I would describe him now sort of being stuck in the afterlife matrix if you get my drift, I will explain what afterlife matrix is on another post. Another way he gets pure energy is the usual way by attacking people; while they are sleeping you know the drill.

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