Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Immortals in Himalayas

Have you heard about the immortals? You know that group of individuals living somewhere in the Himalayas? Well they actually exist, in fact I have some information on them through lucid dreaming and psychic contact they made with me. At first I was super thrilled thinking wow if they are contacting me through my dreams and telepathically I must be doing something right! Of course I was naïve as always! All they wanted was to use me, more specifically for me to do some lucid dream travelling for them and report what I saw, that’s a very common way secret groups, cults etc. try and exploit psychics that are unaware of their own power. They use them as spies in places that they themselves do not want to go as it might be dangerous or do not have the right energetic print to enter through astral travel or lucid dreaming. I am not sure which one it was with the immortals maybe both they wanted someone else to do the dirty work for them while they are just sitting pretty high up in the mountains enjoying their immortality. In general they are not evil nor good they are a neutral group well that is what they claim anyway. They sort of observe humanity from afar while literally having dinner parties in the Himalayas and feeling all smug about themselves. 

In the beginning I did not realize it was them sending me to all these places in my dreams but then it was clear, because why was I suddenly transported to a secret US military base, that I knew nothing about and had no business going? Anyway about that base, it was some sort of spaceship launching base that is top secret and unlike what people think that US is not going to space anymore well they are!!! I started flying around the base looking at different aircrafts and saw one launching the space type not sure what they are called, and knew I was not supposed to see that! Then all of a sudden a drone appeared that started chasing me and shooting at me! I could see close to the drone a black woman operating it and looking at me. I knew that was her job she was a government psychic working specifically to deter psychic spies from entering. I mean that is an actual job, most countries have some, its just a top secret position so to speak. Just think about it if they have psychics in place to stop other psychics of getting in that is a proper covert operation going on there and clearly they don’t want anyone getting in even lucid dreamers! I got out all in one piece so that was that!

After that I was annoyed with them and consciously stopped all contact as let’s face it they were putting me in danger, although people say you can’t die while lucid dreaming or astral travelling in reality you can. Not only can you sustain irreparable damage to your aura and energy field you can in fact die straight and simple.

To conclude, some more information on them is that they are getting their immortality by swimming in a waterfall, which is inside their city. Its impossible to find this place physically unless you are invited by them and then they will open the doors to their city. It is on the Tibetan side of the Himalayas and high up inside the mountains that’s all I know in regards to where they are physically located.

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