Saturday, August 27, 2016

Dream sex attacks and prevention

Following my previous post on Lucid dreaming I would like to elaborate a bit more specifically on how the dark practitioners use lucid dreaming. They use it to penetrate the dreams of others and control them in those dreams. They mould the dream reality of the sleeping person as they want and can perform all sorts of black magic on the unsuspecting victim. The problem is that if you have not been working with dreams or very little you will not probably remember that this encounter ever happened or if you do you will just think that was just a dream or a nightmare but that’s all it was.

It is very common for them to engage in sex with the sleeping person in their dreams; they do this for a number of reasons. One is because they drain their victims of vital life energy as usually natural sources of energy from nature and the universe are closed to those that practice the dark arts and they have to get their boost from someone else. Plus as we know sex stands for synergistic energy exchange and is a very powerful magic tool. The other reason can be something as mundane as that they just fancy that person and would like to have sex with them in the physical world but for whatever reason can’t so they resort to literally dream raping them to satisfy their urges.

 When both partners are adepts in lucid dreaming they can both make a conscious decision to participate in dream sex, however if only one is an adept, its almost impossible to get a proper conscious consent so that is rape. Most wet dreams that people have are in fact rape that are masked as dreams to the common person, but as mentioned most people do not remember their dreams and can be totally oblivious to what is happening to them on a nightly basis. However the effects of being raped in the dreamworld can creep into their physical sphere by developing depression for no apparent reason, or becoming suicidal or often ill as your life source is being drained regularly in this brutal way. I do not want to be sexist here but almost always the perpetrator is a male while anyone can be a victim. Sometimes the perpetrator is someone you know other times it can be someone who found you psychically or stumbled upon you in the dream world.

It’s not all doom and gloom though as you can protect yourself from it occurring again or prevent it all together:
·      Fist of all people living by themselves are more vulnerable to this sorts of attacks as they do not have the collective energy of others in the house for protection. Generally we all have some sort of natural protection from psychic attacks and the closer we are sleeping to others the stronger our protection is as well.
·      Secondly you need to cut out coffee all together as that is a major catalyst to opening up our lower chakras and making us prone to dream sex attacks. The same goes for chocolate, coca-cola, meat and surprisingly bananas and milk but to lesser extent than coffee. If you could at least cut out coffee and chocolate you will do yourself a major favor as these also have another use in these sorts of attacks but I will explain it in another post.
·      Wearing Protective Semi Precious stones also helps immensely, get lapis lazuli and turquoise as this are the best in this case, ideally wear both during the day and while you sleep.
·      Finally to be bulletproof train yourself in lucid dreaming so you can take control of your dream reality and not be asleep while dreaming and let others dictate what will happen to you.

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