Friday, August 26, 2016

Psychic Cults

I have had a good amount of experience with cults trying to recruit me especially when I was young and naïve; the process is the same with most of them. When I mean cults I am not talking about the known secret societies or some hippie cults that we can find information online about. These are secret cults behind the known secret societies the ones that work behind the scenes.

I would like to mention two major underground cults in Europe one based in London and another one based in Geneva they are rival cults but both serve the dark side so to speak.

The first one is an openly dark cult to its members, who are all exclusively male. If you join that one you know you belong to the dark side for sure. The other thing you find out pretty quickly is that you must engage in homosexuality with the other members usually the ones higher up the hierarchy ladder whether you are into it or not. They really like getting their members from overseas especially from poor countries as the location makes it really attractive and easy to get people interested. The way they contact potential members from overseas is usually psychically/telepathically/through dreams so they need to be already evolved enough to receive the data. That is a requirement usually for overseas candidates as the cult will help with visas and immigration process hence they want only to invest in good psychic stock. For local talent they are more lenient and will gladly take complete novices as long as there is potential and willingness there.

Needless to say they are totally misogynist and abuse female energies. The female partners/wives/girlfriends of the members are usually unaware of this involvement and the best way to describe their state is sucked dry to oblivion. If you ever meet an empty, glass eyed looking woman with a really perky male partner this should get you suspicious. You might run into them wherever you are as this cult has members in hundreds of thousands and although the HQ are in London they have a network of subsidiaries around the world. Location wise go to Central London and you might bump into some long haired guy that can point you to the right direction.

The second major underground cult I would like to mention is the one based in Geneva. So that one is a real hoot! The members are totally unaware of what they actually have joined.
The members here get to live all together so once you join you have to move in with the rest. They have all sorts there, men, women and families with children. Usually when you join you are either single or a single parent, children are more than welcome unwanted partners that don’t fit the bill are not. They do encourage single members to couple up pretty soon.  To join there is again a certain psychic level or potential as a requirement. Like the London one this one is a wealthy cult and a very well established one with ties to the government. In fact this one not only provides shelter and a place to stay for their members but also good monthly salaries for the psychic energy work the members do. Hence you can imagine how attractive the membership is plus throw in living in Switzerland and that is an offer you can’t refuse. This cult in fact not only goes out to find members psychically/telepathically/ through dreams but in fact receives a lot of applications from wannabe members around the world that same way. The recruitment process is not easy even if you were headhunted so to speak, you still have to undergo several tests for them to deem you compatible.  That’s like the Ivy league Cult if there ever was one.

The catch here is that all is not what it seems, what sparkles is not always gold. The hierarchy of this cult, which has a few hundred members living in its campus, is about 5 people not more. These five people have everyone duped thinking they are working for some great cause full of fluffy clouds and rainbows but in fact they are all used for their energies they are all being energetically and systematically drained and their psychic powers used without them even realizing it. I would describe them all being in a permanent state of hypnosis but its hard to see that when you live in a golden cage and you have money thrown in your face. You would think however that if members are psychic they would have figured it out, the thing is once you become a potential candidate you are being brainwashed from the get go and your psychic energies redirected elsewhere, you are not in control anymore of your powers they are.

In conclusion these underground secret psychic cults are looking for people with psychic potential or already developed psychic abilities but not too developed, as they like to mould them the way that suits them. They try and figure out to see what makes you tick and they use that as a hook. Once you join even if you willingly joined the dark side chances are you are just another disposable slave to their establishment, they own you. So folks stay away no matter how tempting!

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