Friday, August 26, 2016


I have been told by a friend I can write anything in my blog as noone will probably read it anyway, oh well I decided to give it a go not that I am expecting an audience but decided I might share some thoughts of mine and some experiences I have had with the psychic/supernatual/interdimensional/cult world. I just want to put it out there in the vast world wide web.

I mainly used to work with tarot when I realised they just confused me and the pre designed images can be projections of negative energies so I decided to ditch them all together. Also I did plenty of healing courses and psychic development courses here and there when I came to the conclusion that I learnt nothing and all they were  was a major waste of time. I decided to focus mainly on meditating and dreamwork and take matters into my own hands, also switching to being a vegetarian was a big step in clearing up my energies. Slowly but surely I saw a difference in my perception and understanding of how it all works.

 Does anyone really need a teacher or a guru when we have all the answers within us, as long as we are willing to dig deep.

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