Saturday, August 27, 2016

Lucid dreaming

Lucid dreaming is one of the best tools we have in order to get a glimpse of the reality outside the game of life we have been plugged into. Think of movies like Matrix or Inception they all have doses of truth in them to an extent. I believe lucid dreaming is our way to plug out of the Matrix on a daily basis or should I say nightly basis. In theory lucid dreaming is really simple, the application is a different ball game all together. Lucid dreaming is when you become aware in a dream that you are dreaming, lucid dreaming begins at that moment. That's when you can fully control your dream reality; by control I mean you can choose where you go, what you do and whom you interact with. That's the theory of it; the application of mastering lucid dreaming is not an easy task.

To get a hang of it there is a lot of material online regarding various methods of becoming lucid. I do not want to repeat it here as it has been written numerous times by others already.

Most effective magic is actually performed through lucid dreaming. Once you become comfortable with it you can do great good with it or great evil. So far in my experience the real adepts at this technique use it for their self-gratification and to perform dark magic on unsuspected victims.

I would like to explain this further, once you become an adept at this technique, a real adept, the line between the dream reality and the physical reality can become quiet blurred. The reason is that you can experience the exact same things as in the physical world, you can feel the sunshine in your face, you have an acute sense of smell and touch and hearing but also you have superpowers like flying and changing locations at whim and meeting whoever you want. That can make someone drunk with power especially if they did not have pure intentions to begin with and they practice the dark stuff.

On a positive note lucid dreaming can be a great learning tool, you can discover all the secrets of the world and uncover hidden truths lurking in the background of our existence. For example I have visited Atlantis and met God himself while lucid dreaming both turned out to be a major disappointment by the way, but I will elaborate on each one in a different post.

Lucid dreaming is the way forward to develop our psychic faculties and refine our energies. I highly recommend it to everyone, at least to give it a go.

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