Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Ugly Dinner

I was invited for dinner recently at this really nice all American family. They have two young daughters elementary school age. It was the first time that I met them as I was a +1. The couple seemed normal and the kids also apart from the fact that I had a feeling something was off about them, not everything is as it seems. I tried to ignore this feeling in the beginning and carry on chatting away with both of them and interacting with the kids. The more I did so I realized that the mother seems to have very low energy field, she seemed totally drained and I could see she was forcing a smile now and again and was interacting with her kids but it all seemed very forced like she really did not want to be there, she was disconnected from her environment and had the glass eyed look I have seen before. The kids seemed like normal kids only on closer inspection I noticed the younger daughter seemed to have a low energy field like her mother. Hey I thought to myself different people different personalities that’s it until I talked a couple of times with the father, he seemed very content with himself and very outgoing unlike his wife.

 I have made an observation throughout the years that when I find it easier to speak with the male partner who makes it feel like we were best friends since high school but cannot connect on any level with the woman who seems totally shutdown there is something occult going on there. And as our sixth sense works in most bizarre way, soon enough while sitting at the dinner table all together I looked at the husband and asked my psychic self what’s the story here, what’s up with him? The answer was shocking  “He is raping his two daughters”! Of course I could not concentrate on anything else but that the entire dinner. I kept getting info left, right and centre. So apparently this guy is using hypnosis on his kids and his wife, who is totally unaware of who he really is. He started molesting the older daughter when his wife was pregnant with the second one, so the hypnosis and abuse started early on for that one but not since birth as for the second one, which doesn’t make it any better really. The mother conveniently travels a lot for work so this guy had plenty of time to put all the foundation for a hypnotic suggestion that the kids don’t remember a thing so can’t go and tell their mum. The wife is also surviving on hypnotic suggestions herself and clearly he is feeding off all their energies.

The question here is how do I go about this, do I try and convince the mother that I had a psychic epiphany, she will never believe me of course, or leave this all together? Send perhaps an anonymous email to her? Hmmm don’t know how to proceed need to think more.

Immortals in Himalayas

Have you heard about the immortals? You know that group of individuals living somewhere in the Himalayas? Well they actually exist, in fact I have some information on them through lucid dreaming and psychic contact they made with me. At first I was super thrilled thinking wow if they are contacting me through my dreams and telepathically I must be doing something right! Of course I was naïve as always! All they wanted was to use me, more specifically for me to do some lucid dream travelling for them and report what I saw, that’s a very common way secret groups, cults etc. try and exploit psychics that are unaware of their own power. They use them as spies in places that they themselves do not want to go as it might be dangerous or do not have the right energetic print to enter through astral travel or lucid dreaming. I am not sure which one it was with the immortals maybe both they wanted someone else to do the dirty work for them while they are just sitting pretty high up in the mountains enjoying their immortality. In general they are not evil nor good they are a neutral group well that is what they claim anyway. They sort of observe humanity from afar while literally having dinner parties in the Himalayas and feeling all smug about themselves. 

In the beginning I did not realize it was them sending me to all these places in my dreams but then it was clear, because why was I suddenly transported to a secret US military base, that I knew nothing about and had no business going? Anyway about that base, it was some sort of spaceship launching base that is top secret and unlike what people think that US is not going to space anymore well they are!!! I started flying around the base looking at different aircrafts and saw one launching the space type not sure what they are called, and knew I was not supposed to see that! Then all of a sudden a drone appeared that started chasing me and shooting at me! I could see close to the drone a black woman operating it and looking at me. I knew that was her job she was a government psychic working specifically to deter psychic spies from entering. I mean that is an actual job, most countries have some, its just a top secret position so to speak. Just think about it if they have psychics in place to stop other psychics of getting in that is a proper covert operation going on there and clearly they don’t want anyone getting in even lucid dreamers! I got out all in one piece so that was that!

After that I was annoyed with them and consciously stopped all contact as let’s face it they were putting me in danger, although people say you can’t die while lucid dreaming or astral travelling in reality you can. Not only can you sustain irreparable damage to your aura and energy field you can in fact die straight and simple.

To conclude, some more information on them is that they are getting their immortality by swimming in a waterfall, which is inside their city. Its impossible to find this place physically unless you are invited by them and then they will open the doors to their city. It is on the Tibetan side of the Himalayas and high up inside the mountains that’s all I know in regards to where they are physically located.

Secret Base in Siberia

I had a lucid dream a couple of years ago where I was taken to a very cold snowy place. In the dream when I realized ok I am dreaming I started wondering where I was and then a thought popped into my head "Siberia"! 

Then I felt I had to go underground, there was something underground sort of calling me so I flew sort of inside, beneath the snow and a whole military type base appeared underground, specifically there was this big rectangular building and I knew I had to go in there. So I did and I was met by children a lot of them, they seemed really happy to see me. They started talking to me and then I thought to myself there is something strange about them, when I figured out they are all looking the same or at least very similar like identical twins but with different haircuts and clothes. They were all girls at least the ones I was interacting with around the age of 8 probably. One of them then explained to me that they were all clones of this one girl born with extraordinary abilities and hence they all had those abilities. Then I asked one of them what was her ability what could she do, she then held the fingers of her hand as if framing a picture and then a live sort of image appeared of President Obama talking! It was like she could transmit the image live with her bare hands, I was surprised to say the least! Then they seemed a bit sad, telling me that they were locked inside this building and could not go out so that no one sees them. Its like they invited me to visit them, not sure if they thought I could help them somehow or they just wanted me to share this story it sure took me a while!

I have no idea where exactly they are located apart from that it is in Siberia, I mean does anyone really knows where is what in Siberia! It is definitely a perfect location for this type of installation.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Altantis still Exists

 I would like to share the information I have gathered through extensive lucid dreaming and remote viewing that Atlantis actually still exists. Atlantis was never flooded but that is the myth Atlanteans want everyone to believe in so that no one actually goes looking for them. If you are into meditating or have some psychic abilities of sorts you will soon realize that whenever you try to do any work around Atlantis you will just keep seeing the same images of flood and water. The reason for that is that Atlanteans have gone to extreme lengths to imprint this story in the psychic planes and ethereal energies that mediums, psychics and simple meditators can tap into from time to time. The truth is that they are alive and kicking! They certainly do have more advanced technology than us and have used this technology to mask themselves from view, they have raised their frequencies and migrated their continent to another dimension but they are still very much involved in what is happening on Earth and are manipulating humanity. Let's put it mildly they are not friendly folk.

Their big secret is that they have a physical access point from Atlantis to Earth and vice versa. They have built an interdimensional bridge in the form of a wooden cabin in the French northwestern region. I do not know where exactly but it is in a forested area in the northwest of France. The portal only works in winter and specifically when there is snow. There are instructions on the inside of the cabin's door in form of pictures of how to activate it. As mentioned the portal works both ways, however only two humans from Earth have ever travelled through this portal as it was built by Atlanteans for Atlanteans on an exclusive basis apart from those two humans. 

Atlantis in itself looks very much like any developed country on Earth, it looks surprisingly earthy, with tall buildings and urban areas close to parks full of trees. Atlanteans look just like us but their genetic engineering is really advanced so they have created animal human hybrids in many different varieties.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Dream sex attacks and prevention

Following my previous post on Lucid dreaming I would like to elaborate a bit more specifically on how the dark practitioners use lucid dreaming. They use it to penetrate the dreams of others and control them in those dreams. They mould the dream reality of the sleeping person as they want and can perform all sorts of black magic on the unsuspecting victim. The problem is that if you have not been working with dreams or very little you will not probably remember that this encounter ever happened or if you do you will just think that was just a dream or a nightmare but that’s all it was.

It is very common for them to engage in sex with the sleeping person in their dreams; they do this for a number of reasons. One is because they drain their victims of vital life energy as usually natural sources of energy from nature and the universe are closed to those that practice the dark arts and they have to get their boost from someone else. Plus as we know sex stands for synergistic energy exchange and is a very powerful magic tool. The other reason can be something as mundane as that they just fancy that person and would like to have sex with them in the physical world but for whatever reason can’t so they resort to literally dream raping them to satisfy their urges.

 When both partners are adepts in lucid dreaming they can both make a conscious decision to participate in dream sex, however if only one is an adept, its almost impossible to get a proper conscious consent so that is rape. Most wet dreams that people have are in fact rape that are masked as dreams to the common person, but as mentioned most people do not remember their dreams and can be totally oblivious to what is happening to them on a nightly basis. However the effects of being raped in the dreamworld can creep into their physical sphere by developing depression for no apparent reason, or becoming suicidal or often ill as your life source is being drained regularly in this brutal way. I do not want to be sexist here but almost always the perpetrator is a male while anyone can be a victim. Sometimes the perpetrator is someone you know other times it can be someone who found you psychically or stumbled upon you in the dream world.

It’s not all doom and gloom though as you can protect yourself from it occurring again or prevent it all together:
·      Fist of all people living by themselves are more vulnerable to this sorts of attacks as they do not have the collective energy of others in the house for protection. Generally we all have some sort of natural protection from psychic attacks and the closer we are sleeping to others the stronger our protection is as well.
·      Secondly you need to cut out coffee all together as that is a major catalyst to opening up our lower chakras and making us prone to dream sex attacks. The same goes for chocolate, coca-cola, meat and surprisingly bananas and milk but to lesser extent than coffee. If you could at least cut out coffee and chocolate you will do yourself a major favor as these also have another use in these sorts of attacks but I will explain it in another post.
·      Wearing Protective Semi Precious stones also helps immensely, get lapis lazuli and turquoise as this are the best in this case, ideally wear both during the day and while you sleep.
·      Finally to be bulletproof train yourself in lucid dreaming so you can take control of your dream reality and not be asleep while dreaming and let others dictate what will happen to you.

Lucid dreaming

Lucid dreaming is one of the best tools we have in order to get a glimpse of the reality outside the game of life we have been plugged into. Think of movies like Matrix or Inception they all have doses of truth in them to an extent. I believe lucid dreaming is our way to plug out of the Matrix on a daily basis or should I say nightly basis. In theory lucid dreaming is really simple, the application is a different ball game all together. Lucid dreaming is when you become aware in a dream that you are dreaming, lucid dreaming begins at that moment. That's when you can fully control your dream reality; by control I mean you can choose where you go, what you do and whom you interact with. That's the theory of it; the application of mastering lucid dreaming is not an easy task.

To get a hang of it there is a lot of material online regarding various methods of becoming lucid. I do not want to repeat it here as it has been written numerous times by others already.

Most effective magic is actually performed through lucid dreaming. Once you become comfortable with it you can do great good with it or great evil. So far in my experience the real adepts at this technique use it for their self-gratification and to perform dark magic on unsuspected victims.

I would like to explain this further, once you become an adept at this technique, a real adept, the line between the dream reality and the physical reality can become quiet blurred. The reason is that you can experience the exact same things as in the physical world, you can feel the sunshine in your face, you have an acute sense of smell and touch and hearing but also you have superpowers like flying and changing locations at whim and meeting whoever you want. That can make someone drunk with power especially if they did not have pure intentions to begin with and they practice the dark stuff.

On a positive note lucid dreaming can be a great learning tool, you can discover all the secrets of the world and uncover hidden truths lurking in the background of our existence. For example I have visited Atlantis and met God himself while lucid dreaming both turned out to be a major disappointment by the way, but I will elaborate on each one in a different post.

Lucid dreaming is the way forward to develop our psychic faculties and refine our energies. I highly recommend it to everyone, at least to give it a go.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Psychic Cults

I have had a good amount of experience with cults trying to recruit me especially when I was young and naïve; the process is the same with most of them. When I mean cults I am not talking about the known secret societies or some hippie cults that we can find information online about. These are secret cults behind the known secret societies the ones that work behind the scenes.

I would like to mention two major underground cults in Europe one based in London and another one based in Geneva they are rival cults but both serve the dark side so to speak.

The first one is an openly dark cult to its members, who are all exclusively male. If you join that one you know you belong to the dark side for sure. The other thing you find out pretty quickly is that you must engage in homosexuality with the other members usually the ones higher up the hierarchy ladder whether you are into it or not. They really like getting their members from overseas especially from poor countries as the location makes it really attractive and easy to get people interested. The way they contact potential members from overseas is usually psychically/telepathically/through dreams so they need to be already evolved enough to receive the data. That is a requirement usually for overseas candidates as the cult will help with visas and immigration process hence they want only to invest in good psychic stock. For local talent they are more lenient and will gladly take complete novices as long as there is potential and willingness there.

Needless to say they are totally misogynist and abuse female energies. The female partners/wives/girlfriends of the members are usually unaware of this involvement and the best way to describe their state is sucked dry to oblivion. If you ever meet an empty, glass eyed looking woman with a really perky male partner this should get you suspicious. You might run into them wherever you are as this cult has members in hundreds of thousands and although the HQ are in London they have a network of subsidiaries around the world. Location wise go to Central London and you might bump into some long haired guy that can point you to the right direction.

The second major underground cult I would like to mention is the one based in Geneva. So that one is a real hoot! The members are totally unaware of what they actually have joined.
The members here get to live all together so once you join you have to move in with the rest. They have all sorts there, men, women and families with children. Usually when you join you are either single or a single parent, children are more than welcome unwanted partners that don’t fit the bill are not. They do encourage single members to couple up pretty soon.  To join there is again a certain psychic level or potential as a requirement. Like the London one this one is a wealthy cult and a very well established one with ties to the government. In fact this one not only provides shelter and a place to stay for their members but also good monthly salaries for the psychic energy work the members do. Hence you can imagine how attractive the membership is plus throw in living in Switzerland and that is an offer you can’t refuse. This cult in fact not only goes out to find members psychically/telepathically/ through dreams but in fact receives a lot of applications from wannabe members around the world that same way. The recruitment process is not easy even if you were headhunted so to speak, you still have to undergo several tests for them to deem you compatible.  That’s like the Ivy league Cult if there ever was one.

The catch here is that all is not what it seems, what sparkles is not always gold. The hierarchy of this cult, which has a few hundred members living in its campus, is about 5 people not more. These five people have everyone duped thinking they are working for some great cause full of fluffy clouds and rainbows but in fact they are all used for their energies they are all being energetically and systematically drained and their psychic powers used without them even realizing it. I would describe them all being in a permanent state of hypnosis but its hard to see that when you live in a golden cage and you have money thrown in your face. You would think however that if members are psychic they would have figured it out, the thing is once you become a potential candidate you are being brainwashed from the get go and your psychic energies redirected elsewhere, you are not in control anymore of your powers they are.

In conclusion these underground secret psychic cults are looking for people with psychic potential or already developed psychic abilities but not too developed, as they like to mould them the way that suits them. They try and figure out to see what makes you tick and they use that as a hook. Once you join even if you willingly joined the dark side chances are you are just another disposable slave to their establishment, they own you. So folks stay away no matter how tempting!


I have been told by a friend I can write anything in my blog as noone will probably read it anyway, oh well I decided to give it a go not that I am expecting an audience but decided I might share some thoughts of mine and some experiences I have had with the psychic/supernatual/interdimensional/cult world. I just want to put it out there in the vast world wide web.

I mainly used to work with tarot when I realised they just confused me and the pre designed images can be projections of negative energies so I decided to ditch them all together. Also I did plenty of healing courses and psychic development courses here and there when I came to the conclusion that I learnt nothing and all they were  was a major waste of time. I decided to focus mainly on meditating and dreamwork and take matters into my own hands, also switching to being a vegetarian was a big step in clearing up my energies. Slowly but surely I saw a difference in my perception and understanding of how it all works.

 Does anyone really need a teacher or a guru when we have all the answers within us, as long as we are willing to dig deep.