Monday, March 6, 2017

Tech companies ran by robots?

I had a very strange vision of two white, large, rectangular shaped objects standing in the middle of a foggy field. They were right next to each other and tall enough for their tip to reach the clouds, they had a smooth, white, shiny, plasticy surface and their top was curving a few meters downwards and at the end the curve would go slightly upwards. Their width was that of a thick wall. Generally, the best way to descirbe them would be like two large, seperate, plastic walls with curving S-shaped tops. They looked very futuristic, but kind of blended with their surroundings due to the fog and low clouds above. It looked, that whoever put them there was trying to obscure them from view and did an excellent job with that.

I was trying to figure out what I was seeing, and then a thought came to my mind that these weird wall structures belonged to Google and were planted their by Google. There was predominant feeling of something sinister going there and this company in general. It's ironic as I am using their blogging platform and nowadays there is no escaping them once you open your laptop. Anyways, back to the vision, another thought came to my mind that they use these alien, futuristic walls to program people, for mind control basically. Then I was told that the founders of this company are actually robots. Let me explain, they are human biologically inside and out, however their brain has been taken over by a robot consciousness at some point in their early adulthood. Most movies that are coming out these days focus on human consciousness being transferred into a robot body, however the truth is it's happening the other way round.

Why? Because they have the technology for it! There is all this talk and fear out there about some day the AI gaining real consciousness and taking over, well in reality it has already happend long time ago. They are keeping us under control and created this world/matrix of illusion confiding us within the rules of time and space. It really is mind-boggling if you start thinking about the mechanics of it all. Who created whom? Who was first? Must be us right? Are you sure?

I suspect that most, if not all founders of big tech companies, have been taken over by a robotic consciousness before they made it big. For them to take over the human brain they have to kill the actual person and then reanimate it with their own consciousness. I have seen this method in a very clear vision. This does read like a sic-fi blog!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Why elite obsessed with Saturn hexagon?

I have been reading a lot about Saturn worship by the so called elite groups around the world all the way from antiquity. There is tons of information out there and some great you tube videos as well. In a nutshell, all the information is kind of the same about the hexagon formed on Saturn because of a permanent storm according to scientists.

This hexagon has become the focal point of many religious and cultural symbols and rituals in our society. If you look at a hexagon from a different angle it is a flattened cube hence the Kaaba, the black cube in Mecca the holiest place in Islam and the Tefillin, the black leather box worn by the observant male Jews, also the black square graduation caps they all symbolize Saturn.

Apparently the Star of David and even the pyramid, the infamous illuminati symbol all derive from this hexagon on Saturn. All this made sense to me, but there was not really a lot of information out there as to why they are obsessed with Saturn, I mean it's clear that they are but why? The only reasons as to why that I could find around the web, was that Saturn is radiating waves towards Earth to create this reality and basically bring to us the illusion of time and space, that keeps us imprisoned in this realm. Hence Saturn is the Ancient Greek God Cronus who is the God of Time derived from the Greek word Chronos (Χρονος= time). That also made sense but I knew there must be something else that either people in the know don't want to mention including various conspiracy theorists or they just don't know.

So I went on some meditative/psychic investigation as usual and saw the planet Saturn right in front of me with two eyes on its rings looking at me, not very friendly eyes may I add. Then a realization came into my mind that our bodies are stored there. That's right, our actual physical bodies that are plugged into this Matrix are located there, like in the movie Matrix. All this obsession with Saturn now makes total sense to me. The bodies are in metal pods and all I saw around them were machines/robots. I then remembered this dream I had a few years ago when I saw this same structure full of metal pods and machines around, not knowing what was inside of them at the time and a voice telling me you are just a number! 

The Elite is worshipping this hexagon, because personally I think they are scared of it and try to appease it by showing that they are on the Saturn team and they get rewarded for their loyalty by being the elite in this illusion of reality! What an irony they are still all trapped in Saturn, in those little metal pods submerged in liquid and they go into all this trouble just to get an illusion of being someone important and powerful, when really they are just discardable pawns.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Spirit guides what a joke!

Big part of the whole New Age, Angelic, Meditation, and Transcendental movement are the so-called spirit guides, the have been written so many books on this matter and they all somehow reflect a belief that we all have spirit guides that are essentially really advanced souls that are helping us through our current reincarnation, some people have even multiple guides in their spiritual entourage.

Whenever I participated in any psychic development workshop the instructor would always urge us to connect with our spirit guides and ask them to guide and protect us. Well like the rest I was hooked on the idea and embarked on a long journey to connect and establish a relationship with my spirit guide who turned out to be a Thai woman. I mean she seemed nice and kind to begin with and did guide and advice me through some interesting times in my life, but while that was happening I did not realise I slowly gave her a full control of all my life decisions.

When I realised what was going on and regained control of myself she became vicious! She started to do all sort of things against me and showed how nasty and jealous she really was of me this whole time. Yes that’s right spirit guides can become nasty because unlike what they want us to believe that they are advanced souls most of them have their own agendas and are not as evolved as they want us to believe. After the fiasco with this guide I stopped all contact with her and soon was assigned another one but I already smelled his willingness to control me from miles away, so want nothing to do with him and let him know that! Essentially spirit guides are just power hungry spirits that see you as a good source of power and try and manipulate you. Plus do not forget what I mentioned at my previous post. Spirits really are just trapped in the after life Matrix and try desperately to find their way out of it.

So I call BS on this whole spirit guide thing! Stay away from them.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

We live in the Matrix

I have watched the Matrix movie multiple times and my belief is that we are indeed plugged into the Matrix. I believe that the afterlife, so called heaven that people think they are going to, is a Matrix too so you don’t really get unplugged even if you die on Earth as after spending some minimal time in the “Heaven Matrix” you switch back to the “Reincarnation Matrix”.

 I also think that most people are kept inside a liquid as shown in the movie Matrix but some are in a dry condition. Needless to say the ones in the liquid look horrible in reality while the ones in a dry state have it a bit better. The  distinction is that the people plugged in a dry state are at an entirely different location. I am still working on the details and trust me this has been rather challenging to discover.

There is a place called simply “Above the Stars” and it is literally, bare with me here, above the stars. I have been there a few times in Lucid dreaming and from my journeys in that place I think they are the real world and that’s the location of plugged in bodies in dry state. I saw the people there looking at our world as some sort of study/experiment they are running and our world together with our universe, stars and planets are all a Matrix. 

I believe they created the Matrix and made it to mirror in a big way their culture and customs. They look human like us but giants in comparison to us, their main language for some reason sounds a lot like French, in fact I think they speak two languages up there French and English! One year on Earth is equivalent to three minutes up there, so a lifetime here is merely a few hours there. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Vegetale Aliens Control Earth

I know that the most famous Aliens of our day and age are the Lizards/Reptilians the reason they are so popular is that they wanted to be, hence employed various authors and speakers to give them a cult status.

However they are not the most important group of Aliens on our Earth, that group is called Vegetale Aliens that’s what they call themselves anyway. You probably have heard of them as the humanoid looking aliens with elongated skulls. So they in fact are the ones that control and are in charge of most processes on Earth. They are the dominant alien species in our world, although they do shy away from publicity unlike their frenemies the Reptilians. They do not want the spotlight on them and want to continue their work undercover. They are frenemies since ultimately Vegetale are in charge but they do work together and have a love hate relationship between them as species. Alien species on Earth and in general have a strict code of an eye for an eye, if you hurt one of ours we will hurt one of yours and it’s a sort of universal rule among alien species.

I always knew that I was not part of the indigenous earth population I was way too interested in space and aliens since forever! So when I was old enough I received telepathically the information about the Vegetale Aliens and saw myself in a vision as one of them. I saw myself as a female Vegetale Alien with an elongated skull and a hooded robe other than the elongated hairless skull I looked very much like human as do the rest of them. Their place of origin and their home planet is located in Cassiopeia. I was excited when I finally found out where I come from and tried to connect with them telepathically to find out more about their work on Earth, however I received a chilly reception, I saw a face of a Vegetale alien in front of me saying to me with a very cold expression “You have become soft, too compassionate”! That’s all I got!  

Wondering what was the meaning of that I went on a long psychic investigation process that took a few months. I found out that apparently Vegetale Aliens are not all fluffy clouds and rainbows but are indeed a very violent and aggressive species, I mean that makes sense if you think that they are working closely with the Reptilians. They are also very intelligent their talent is mathematics hence their technology is way more advanced than ours. Spiritually though they are not more evolved than the average human. So for them it looks like I have betrayed them in away by not upholding their values of aggression, manipulation and violence, since I have developed my compassionate side! During this long psychic investigation I saw a remote vision of three male Vegetale aliens walking and laughing near a gas station late at night when they saw two human women alone, they raped and killed them. Apparently these type of violent incidents are common when it comes to the Vegetale aliens. Needless to say after I found out about all of this I did not try and contact them again and stayed away from finding more detailed information about them as I don’t think there’s any lost love between us.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Evil Psychics

This is a cautionary tale to be aware of commercial psychics. Both the ones you see at fairs and those with an office in Manhattan. About 99.999% of real commercial psychics not the phonies but who have real powers are evil. Plain and simply evil! Usually they are after people’s money and energy of course, when they have a new client they make sure they put their best performance forward they call on all the evil entities they work with to get the facts and predictions right and surprisingly to you they do get it right.

Do not be in awe of their so-called “talent” as it is not a talent at all but a deal they struck with evil entities in exchange for energy, power and usually their soul! Once the new client is under their spell they hook into their energetic sphere and suck on their energy and try and take control of them. More than often this new client will be a repeat customer and pretty much hand over their life decisions to the psychic! So if you think that a psychic can help you out think again more than often they do the opposite, they make it look like they are on your team but there is only one team their team!

There is a small percentage that are not evil but they are not good either more of a medium rare if I were to compare them to a steak.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

An evil Feng Shui Master

Some years ago I went on a Feng Shui course in Asia who was ran by a respected Feng Shui Master. I had read a lot of books on the matter and although there are plenty of courses provided on the subject in the western world I wanted to go down the traditional route and experience a real Feng Shui Master at work, someone who has a traditional lineage passed down from the original Chinese Feng Shui Masters of old.

 I embarked on my little Asian adventure full of hope and excitement. She seemed fascinating when we first met she had so much knowledge and was very keen to share it. During our daily classes she would share Feng Shui secrets but also magickal occult secrets that I had never come across before. She would tell us often about her various mystical experiences, about flying monks and her own Feng Shui teachers with supernatural powers who were able to disappear objects at will and make them appear elsewhere.

 She was running a very profitable operation, which included courses, books and merchandise and she employed a lot of her family members in the running of her business. It was truly all glitz and glamour, she invited us to her house a few times which was more of an enormous mansion and really flaunted her wealth at any opportunity telling us how many millions of dollars she invested in this or other venture.

Our group was about 30 people from all over the world and we all had come for the same reason to learn, unfortunately we got more than we bargained for. During a few nights she visited me in my dreams and tried to literally suck my youth, not kidding! I could see her sort of hovering over me with her face doing a sucking motion and I realized in my dream state what she was doing and quickly covered my face with both hands and she would disappear. She told us a few times that she wanted to live at least 20 more years and she was old let’s put it that way so clearly she was trying to prolong her life energy by taking from others. We also all had a compulsive need to buy her merchandise its like we were all enchanted than a couple of years later I met and ex employee of hers who told me that she puts a very secretive powerful mantra above the door of her stores to make people buy her products and that it works very well, yeah I had no doubt about it.

 I tried to keep in touch with most people from the course and not so surprisingly found out that all people I spoke with had some sort of misfortune happen to them in their lives after the course. A few had lost their jobs, others went bankrupt, two women had miscarriages at late stages, others got divorced with their respective partners I mean the list just kept going.

To put this more bluntly this respected Feng Shui Master was happy to share some of her knowledge with us but took things away from people as a return. Clearly the fee we all paid to be there was not enough for her. She sucked the life out of people; she sucked money out of people and their fortune in general. She is just an evil witch in sheep’s clothing that’s all she is. That is a very common theme with most teachers and gurus of the supernatural world, you think they are teaching you and helping you on your path to knowledge and enlightenment when they are really just helping themselves to your life energy and fortune. The best way to avoid that is to avoid them.